The surfaces (reliefs) of old walls and ceilings to renovate are often tedious to coat when a smooth result before further renovation is required. Several types of renovation wall coverings in rolls can be used to smooth the reliefs of irregular supports (walls or ceilings) on an easier way.
The technical solutions used to smooth the existing reliefs with products conditioned in rolls (to be glued on the walls) can be categorized as follows.
1 / Rigid bridge between the bumps of the existing reliefs
The products used are glass veils, coated on both sides, weight 450 (to 600) gr / M², whose composition gives the product the complementary properties of being at the same time very RIGID to smooth the defects by bridging and sufficiently SOFT to be stuck in the incoming and outgoing angles.
These rigid products cover by bridging, the reliefs and hollows that are dispersed in a regular way, as in the case of glass mesh or chevron fabrics or plaster with slight reliefs.

2 / Absorption of existing reliefs in the thickness of the rear face of the renovation wallcovering.
The products used are smooth renovation nonwovens on the back of which are bonded needle punched fleeces of various thicknesses (1.5 to 5 mm today). By simply being glued on the irregular supports, the thick renovation product absorbs the irregularities of the support in the thickness of the rear face.
In the case of smooth renovation canvases, we then provide a complete solution with a joint tape and a coating to achieve a perfectly smooth and regular result with no visible joints between the strips. The coating can then be painted and have perfect flatness.

3 / Mixed solution of rigid bridging and rear absorption of the reliefs.
The two principles above are then used in a product consisting in the front face of a rigid glass veil of 150 to 250 gr / M² and the back of a thin needle punched fleece. The final result is slightly fibrous because of the structure of the glass veil and therefore does not allow the use of plaster between the strips but the result is acceptable as a compromise between solidity and flatness.

4 / Thin and flexible wallcovering solutions do not allow to “smooth” the reliefs.
“Smoothing” the reliefs of old walls by using simplex “smooth” and thin renovation wallcoverings (0.2 to 0.5 mm) intended for interior renovation of walls and ceilings is not an option. Even with a wall glue, whether it is loaded with mineral charges or not. By photocopy type effect, the fine renovation coating will simply reproduce on the finished surface to paint the uneven reliefs of the support to be renovated which are just below.

Our renovation wall coverings in rolls are intended for interior renovation of walls and ceilings both in the public sector (public buildings) and private constructions (home). These wallcoverings make it …
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The surfaces (reliefs) of old walls and ceilings to renovate are often tedious to coat when a smooth result before further renovation is required. Several types of renovation wall coverings in rolls can be …
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